Several exciting developments and initiatives are on the horizon: 2025 Next Steps
Our team is making steady progress with concrete actions to enhance the resilience, circularity, and sustainability of bio-based marine protein industries. The 2025 plan is

Shaping the Next-Generation food, feed and no-food bio-based products: PROMISEANG Team Gathers for 2nd General Assembly
The PROMISEANG project marks the successful conclusion of its first year celebrating a 2nd General Assembly at the UVIGO Campus in Ourense, Spain. This event

Novel alternative protein production: fostering a sustainable future
Addressing the global health challenge of malnutrition requires innovative biotechnologies to maximize waste management and alternative protein production. Sustainable protein initiatives, aligned with UN-SGDs, offer promising solutions for a greener future.

PROMISEANG’s consortium meets at Lisbon for its first General Assembly
PROMISEANG’s Lisbon General Assembly was a crucial milestone. Updates on work packages and key findings were discussed, paving the way for a sustainable future. Stay tuned for our newsletter!